Rufi Thorpe...Opening Night @ SBWC 2016

d90f6c_df42d5087fdb402a94aa230725c3c96bTitles like To Fang With Love  and The Girls from Corona del Mar have intrigued me ever since I heard that author Rufi Thorpe had agreed to open the Santa Barbara Writers Conference on the evening of June 5 at the Santa Barbara Hyatt in the El Cabrillo room. Her first novel, The Girls from Corona del Mar, was long-listed for the 2014 International Dylan Thomas Prize and for the 2014 Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize. Her second novel, Dear Fang, With Love is forthcoming from Knopf May 2016. She lives in California with her husband and sons.

And yet, she will find time to travel to Santa Barbara and share her wit and wisdom with the SBWC audience of eager writers on June 5, 2016 at 7:30 PM. This event is open to the public. Tickets $10.

Check out Rufi Thorpe's essays and blogs at




 Sign up for Advanced Submission this Week!

The Santa Barbara Writers Conference: June 5-10, 2016

June 5-10, 2016
SwirlSBWC 2016: June 5-10, Hyatt Santa Barbara Dear Writers,

This is the last week to register for the Advance Submission Program

For those of you hoping to schedule a private meeting with an editor or agent at this year’s conference, the deadline to sign up online for the Advance Submission Program is May 1. You must be a registered participant to take part. Also, all manuscripts must be mailed in no later than May 7, 2016. Visit for more information.

We have ten participating agents/editors who represent a variety of genres including nonfiction and memoir. Find out more about our confirmed agents/editors by clicking on their names below:  Corinna Barsan —Senior Editor, Grove Atlantic Paul Fedorko— N.S. Bienstock, Inc. Lucas Hunt — Orchard Literary Jennifer March Soloway —Andrea Brown Literary Agency Toni Lopopolo — Toni Lopopolo Literary Management Jill Marr — Sandra Djikstra Agency Angela Rinaldi — The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency Erin L. Cox—Rob Weisbach Creative Management Annie Hwang —Folio Literary Management Eric Myers —Dystel and Goderich Literary Management We hope you’ll join us for another amazing and inspirational year.

Our 44th Year!


"A most stimulating time—a glorious week!" — Eudora Welty

"The best in the nation." — James A. Michener

"An important and wonderful week." — Elmore Leonard

"SBWC offers aspiring talents opportunities to have their work seen by professionals who can help them reach publication." — Los Angeles Times

our rss feed to your reader
Advance Submission Deadline May 1.

Write On! Grace Rachow and Erin Munsch


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

Ray Bradbury kicked off the conference with one of his more memorable lectures, at one point recalling how in a visit to his hometown of Waukegan five years past he went in to a barber shop and was accosted by the 70 year-old barber there.

“By god I’ve been waiting 40 years for you to come through that door,” the barber said. “When I was 18 years old I was a boarder in your mother’s house!”

Ray said he didn’t remember the man — “I was only three or four years old at the time after all.”

The barber said one of his favorite memories of that time was of a three-year old Ray and his brother, excited about helping their grandfather, running into the house to talk about the bags of dandelions they’d collected for the wine press their grandfather kept in the basement.

Twenty-some years later the budding writer Ray Bradbury wrote a novel entitled Dandelion Wine, wondering at the time where the idea for the story came from until he was a famous and accomplished writer in his forties visiting his home town and meeting the 70 year-old barber who reminded him of a summer afternoon when he collected gunny sacks filled with dandelions.

Ray's speeches had a similarity and an ongoing theme that he repeated every year with the same infectious, inspiring, passion. In the process of transcribing cassettes to MP3 files, we uncovered this little gem of a segment from 2002 that was classic Ray Bradbury wisdom.

[audio mp3=""][/audio]

Ray Bradbury at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference in 1988


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

Arguably the highlight of the conference for most attendees was Alex Haley’s return to speak on closing night. As aspiring writers, the SBWC students learned that Roots was now published in 40 languages, most recently Russian in 1984.

Mr. Haley started his talk, paying homage in his soft Memphis accent, to Niels Mortensen and Barnaby Conrad with whom he’d struck up a friendship in Barnaby’s El Matador Bar in San Francisco, despite Haley’s aversion to alcohol. He confessed that although Barnaby was probably unaware of the fact, Haley had once touched Barnaby’s coat as he walked by, just to make physical contact with a real life published writer, then one day Alex came into the bar with the idea for Roots and asked Barnaby and Niels how to get an agent.

“Well, Barnaby’s got one of the best,” said Niels. “Louis Blau.”

“I can give him a call if you’d like,” Barnaby said.

Some time later Barnaby told Alex he had set up a ten-minute interview with Louis Blau.

“I can give you ten minutes,” the attorney told a nervous Alex Haley. Two hours later Mr. Blau rose and shook Haley’s hand, saying, “If you can write that story as well as you tell it you are going to have a very successful book.”

Haley told the audience that there must be some unspoken way the world knows when something momentous has happened in your life.

“Two weeks after Roots was published my agent’s office called to ask how I was,” said Haley. “And I asked them what they meant and they said, ‘well we're just calling to see how you’re feeling.’ And no one ever cared about how I felt before Roots.”

“And I know there’s no memo that goes out to airline flight attendants, but they start asking if they can get you anything. They let you through lines quicker.”

With the burgeoning success of Roots, a lot was to change for Mr. Haley. Fresh from a visit to China, he kept the SBWC audience rapt with a rambling recitation of his life since Roots. He was in China as a guest of the government which was interested in doing a similar film production on Chinese history, for which Haley had enlisted the help of Norman Lear, but when asked what the biggest event in his career of writing was, Alex answered without hesitation. “People ask if it was winning a National Book Award, or the Pulitzer Prize, but it was something else.

“It was one of those early rejection slips,” he said. “The kind that all of you are familiar with. Everyone thinks you’re crazy, writing for years on the same idea. At that time, in the fourth year of working on Roots, I’d had at least 50-70 rejection slips.

“I went out to the post office to get the mail and I anticipated, and I was right, because when I got to the post office there was a manila envelope that I had addressed to myself. It had one of those pre-printed rejection slips, but on this rejection slip, someone had written a note in long hand with pencil that said ‘nice try,’ and, something exploded in my head, because someone had taken the time to read however many pages I had sent, and then had taken the time to write that note.”

“To this day I remember that as the biggest thrill in my writing career,” Alex said.

Everyone in the room knew exactly what he was talking about.

June 1984 news 10


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

As the SBWC entered its second decade Mary and Barnaby Conrad added Robert Bloch (Pscho), Larry Gelbart (MASH, Tootsie, etc.), Joshua Logan (South Pacific, etc.), and Martin Cruz Smith (Gorky Park) to the lineup of featured speakers. Most notably, conference favorite Charles “Sparky” Schulz was once again in attendance as he would not be attending Wimbledon two years in a row.

Sparky’s confederate Ray Bradbury was ready for a repeat performance, and said “this year I will wander around for the duration of the whirlwind week, try to read whatever the writers hand me, and continue to encourage them to take ideas and set them in motion.”

“Be passionate, be alive!” When Ray Bradbury opened the conference every year the emotional quotient of the audience began to soar.

Ray was the embodiment of what everyone in the room strived to be. He believed that each and everyone in the room can succeed. More than Barnaby Conrad or any other person present, Ray was the biggest cheerleader and besides his undeniable writing skill, it was his special gift.

Writers came to the SBWC for many reasons, and sometimes, they didn’t even know why they came. As Ray has said, “You come because you must!”

June 1983 news 2 June 1983 news 5


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

1982 was the year that Ray Bradbury opened the conference saying, “For God’s sake, be in love with something madly! Don’t talk to friends—they won’t understand. Trust your intuition. Let yourself go!”

Bradbury was big on intuition that year. “Put all your loves together and try to make sense of it.”

“Make lists of your memories—turn trivia into metaphor; build on your past—create the instant now,” he said. “Care so much it makes you want to live forever.” His advice was given with passion, and those unfamiliar with him could be forgiven if they came away befuddled, confused, or convinced he was drunk or worse.

On writing, he modified something he recalled from Hemingway: “Never go to bed with someone sicker than you.” Bradbury's version was, “Never go to bed with anyone you’re afraid of, but if you do, write about it later!”

Ted Berkman, himself an accomplished writer and SBWC workshop leader, captured the flavor of all the workshops in his 1982 piece on the conference.

“A typical workshop finds some 35 women and men crowded around novelist Phyllis Gerbauer, a slim, calm literary rendition of Carol Burnett. The novices sit on camp chairs, kitchen bar stools, and the floor of a summery hotel suite, listening raptly to a student reading (strict limit: six pages at a time). At the end, hands shoot up, comments fly. ‘Terrific suspense.’ ‘Needs more personal emotion.’ The instructor is last to speak. She suggest more specific details — ‘the type of perfume your protagonist uses tells us something about her character’—and greater attention to the sensory elements generally. ‘But those are only suggestions; the decision is yours.’”

Local resident, Laugh-In, and Candid Camera writer Fanny Flagg was an early SBWC workshop attendee and in 1979 won the Fiction Award for a thousand-word story that was adapted into a television movie. Subsequently, she expanded the story to the novel Coming Attractions, which was published in 1982.

Fannie Flag letter



June 1982 Alex Haley


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

In 1981 new Santa Barbara resident and international funny man Jonathan Winters joined the speakers at the SBWC.  While well-known for his antics as a comedian, Jonathan was also an accomplished artist and writer. His autobiography, I Couldn’t Wait for Success, So I went on Without It deals with his life in Ohio, the Marines, and show business. Jonathan said he thought it was something that boys like him from Ohio could make good. He addressed the audience attired in military camouflage, wearing a jaunty beret.

“I suppose you are wondering why I am dressed like this,” he said. “We are living in violent times. Many of us are begging to get paranoid. I’ve always been paranoid. I was in the Marines.”

His love for his home and Ohio was very real. At age seven he shook hands with Orville Wright, and forty years later he shook hands with Neil Armstrong—both born in Ohio. “To me,” Jonathan said, “that’s America—the fact that a man from a little tiny town in the Middle West was the first man to step on the moon. I think its much chic-er than for someone from New York, Chicago, St. Louis or San Francisco to do it.”

June 1981 news 7

1988 Pic8


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

San Francisco Chronicle Columnist, and close friend of the Conrads, Herb Caen visited the conference as their guest. He wrote in his daily S.F. column under the title—Lush Life, Santa Barbara:

"A good writers conference is no better than the sum of its parties, and here the parties are the best. Leinie Schilling (you know, the spices) threw a huge one that spread across the football-sized lawn outside her George Washington Smith mansion. Architect Smith was to Santa Barbara what Willis Polk was to Old San Francisco. Mel Ferrer was there, being confused as always with Jose Ferrer, which is why he was reputed to be permanently sad-eyed. Artie Shaw, wearing a tennis cap to protect his bald pate, kept his conversation in non-stop flight.

‘Is he deaf?’ I whispered to Robert Mitchum.

‘No,‘ he replied. ‘He’s just not too interested in what you have to say.’ Shaw on his one-time rival Bennie Goodman: ‘I liked him till he started to believe all that “King of Swing” crap.’”

1980 was the year William Styron told the conference how he came to write Sophie’s Choice which held the number one spot on the best seller list for 47 weeks.

1980 Bill Styron



An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary:

The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

The 7th Annual SBWC was also the year John Dodds and his wife Vivian Vance spoke. As an agent and publisher with Simon & Schuster, Mr. Dodds’ afternoon session was a hot ticket for conference attendees, but it was Ms. Vance (Ethel from the “I Love Lucy Show”) with her sharp tongue and razor wit who proved to be a SBWC favorite.

"I got the whole Lucy show through my friend, Mark Daniels, who was going to direct a television show, "I Love Lucy," Viv explained. She also almost didn't get the part because her eyes were too big. "I can't give you the role because my agent told me your eyes are bigger than mine," Lucy told her after auditions. "If you don't want me, that is fine," Viv replied. "But you're firing the wrong person. You should fire your agent. If someone of your caliber has to worry about my eyes being larger…"

Well, who got fired, you might say is history. And where would the history of television comedy be if Viv hadn't gotten the role of Ethel?

Vivian Vance0006

March Newsletter for SBWC 2016




The Santa Barbara Writers Conference: June 5-10, 2016

June 5-10, 2016
SwirlSBWC 2015: June 5-10, Hyatt Santa Barbara Dear Writers,This is the last week to register for the early registration price of $575! The price goes up to $650 on March 16. For more information and registration, visit those of you hoping to schedule a private meeting with an editor or agent at this year’s conference, Advance Submission is now open. You must be a registered participant to take part.We have ten participating agents/editors who represent a variety of genres including nonfiction and memoir. Find out more about our confirmed agents/editors by clicking on the link above.

EVENING SPEAKERS You also don't want to miss our lineup of evening speakers who offer inspiration, funny anecdotes, sage advice and, most importantly, a sense that the sometimes lonely and daunting road to getting published is not so lonely after all.

We are excited to announce this year's speakers, which will include Rufi Thorpe (The Girls from Corona Del Mar), Gayle Lynds (Mosaic), F. Paul Wilson (The Keep), Aline Ohanesian (Orhan's Inheritance), and Monte Schulz (Crossing Eden).

We hope you’ll join us for another amazing and inspirational year.

Our 44th Year!


"A most stimulating time—a glorious week!" — Eudora Welty

"The best in the nation." — James A. Michener

"An important and wonderful week." — Elmore Leonard

"SBWC offers aspiring talents opportunities to have their work seen by professionals who can help them reach publication." — Los Angeles Times

our rss feed to your reader
Register now until March 15 for only $575.Write On! Grace Rachow and Erin Munsch

***If you would like your news to be included in the next SBWC e-Newsletter, please send in an email to with the subject line NEWSLETTER.***



An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

After Ray Bradbury’s inspirational welcome the first night of the conference in 1978, Charles “Sparky” Schulz opened the second night with a piece of chalk in hand. As he took the stage and approached a blackboard the audience hushed.

With deft strokes he created a figure familiar to fans around the world, and when he turned back to the audience, Snoopy at a typewriter was visible over his shoulders.

He smiled and said, “I just wanted to prove I’m no fake.”

That rendering of Snoopy at typewriter has been the logo of the SBWC since 1976, and always brings smiles to the thousands of SBWC attendees who participated in workshops or just came to hear one of the featured speakers over the past forty plus years.

Charles "Sparky" Schulz became a fixture of the conference until his death in February of 2000, and for many, especially SBWC attendees, Sparky was as beloved as his dog, and his depiction of Snoopy at his typewriter will always keep the artist alive in their hearts.

1978 Charles Schulz

Sparky1978 schedule 2


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

In 1977 Star Wars hit theaters for the first time and became the second highest-grossing film of all time while Saturday Night Fever sparked a disco inferno and the popularity of movie soundtrack. Elvis Presley died at Graceland, his Memphis, Tennessee home at age 42.

The correspondence between Barnaby and his writing pals is the stuff of legends. The following exchange between Jessica (Decca) Mitford and Barny discussing compensation is a classic that really captures the wit, talent, and essence of Barnaby Conrad.

From Barnaby:

“Robert Frost said blank verse is like playing tennis with the net down;

So I hope this won’t be too much of a let-down

But hereafter I am going to drop the pose

And go back to good old prose.

I’m done—you’ve clearly won

I wish you would

Not write so good.

As a poetaster

I’m sheer disaster.

But, unpoetically, we offer to you

300 Bucks plus a room with a view.

(And not such a bad one, Hon,

The view’s of Georgie Plimpton!)

As an added inducement to join our club,

One hundred clams to spend on grub,

This time the meals are reproachless

And, hopefully, the bedroom is roachless.

And now here’s a threat, dear Decca

If you don’t set aside

Your fiscal pride

We’ll dredge up Faithey Baldwish—to hear HER side!!!”


 Said Decca (Jessica) Mitford in reply, on a postcard of Dartmoor Prison in England:

“Ok, Ok

I might like to play,

But what is the pay?

Here’s where you’ll be

If I don’t get my fee.

(See over: A

Therapeutic Correctional

Community, English style,)

Much love, etc. to Mary,


Your money grubbing old friend.”


To which Barnaby responded:

“Dear Money Grubbing Olde Friend:

You are the living end!

So, hooray, hooray, hooray!

But—about this here pay:

With another Oaklander I must agree

That a fee’s a fee’s a fee.

But you must be wary

Of institutions eliomosonary

(of which this is not only one

but quite possibly the champion!)

Our honorarium has very little honor in it,

But your son can always tune a spinet.

Agree, it is ludicrous payola—

Still, it suits Clifton, Ray and Gayola.

Michener was really nifty—

He paid his travel and charged us only fifty

And I’ll swear by any Gideon

You’re getting as much as Joanie Didion

Ross and Buddd, Eudora and Haley

Waived their fees and did it gailey.

Only Charlie Schulz was a little poopy

His fee?—a case of Alpo for his Snoopy.

We wish ya would

be like Isherwood

Why not say to yourself, Decc—

What the heck

to hell with the pay”

I’ll join the fray

And save the day.

Cause if you don’t accept our generous offer of

Pelf, lodging and grog beside,

We’ll offer the place so rightfully yours to the editor of

Gasket and Sunnyside!

Please Dear Decca, think on it and think again

Just remember: three hundred American dollars is five

thousand 200 and ninety-six yen!!


Edgar Guest Conrad”


So, what could Decca say?:

“But I’m not welty, like Eudora,

I wish you’d be a little more, a-

Menable—in fact, I wish you would

Pay me what you save on Isherwood.

For what you save on Sidney Stebel

I really think you should be able

To enlarge your paltry fees

For me and Kurt and Gay Telese [sic].

And what about old Bradbury (Ray)?

I bet he gets astronomic pay.

But anyhow, I’ll comy your way

If not for a week, at least for a day

Love to all, Decca

p.s.  I see you offer free sea air

And (unless it’s improved) plain prison fare.

A dip in the surf and a walk on the turf

Plus spectral visits from Bennett Cerf.”

1977 Jessica Mitford Postcard 1

1977 Jessica Mitford Postcard 2




An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

1976 was the year Maya Angelou addressed the conference, her deep voice rebounding across the walls of the Miramar Room in the conference center. Her themes resonated with students of all ages, hoping to understand how she drew from her own passion and experiences to glean just a bit of the craft to translate in their own work.

The SBWC had become a Santa Barbara institution. Interviews with featured speakers appeared in the Santa Barbara News-Press and weekly journals in the surrounding Montecito community.

    Another conference event that became increasingly popular was the annual party that Mary Conrad hosted for SBWC teaching staff and featured speakers, which included Jose Ferrer, Charles and Jean Schulz, the husband and wife team of John Dodds and Vivian Vance, Don Congdon, Joan Didion and husband John Gardner Dunne to name a few. 1976 Flyer100111976 Flyer2Prominent authors



An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

In 1975 the SBWC established itself at the Miramar Hotel in Montecito, just South of Santa Barbara, kicking off a twenty five year Santa Barbara literary tradition. This was the first year our beloved Charles (Sparky) Schulz came to the conference and not only decided to stay the entire week, but became a mainstay of the conference, coming and staying for the entire week all the way through to the end of his life in 2000.

Picture a sea of blue roofed cottages glimpsed from the 101 Freeway against the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean.

Sid Stebel, fresh from his successful Australian based Picnic at Hanging Rock premiere, became legendary for his honest, open and laser like critiques of every student in his class, eventually earning the moniker "Samurai Sid", and referring to his students as "Sid's Snowflakes", acknowledging the fact that each was unique in his or her own way.

1975 SBWC Flyer


Vivian Vance - A Star of "I Love Lucy"



An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

In 1974, building on the success of the first SBWC, the Conrads produced a line-up of speakers that would be the envy of any well-established conference:

• Alex Haley introduced Budd Schulberg and a showing of his film, “Waterfront.” • James Michener gave an evening address • Mel Torme explained why “I’d Rather Write Than Sing” • Ross MacDonald (Ken Millar) spoke on Writing, Mystery & Suspense

Afternoon speakers included Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne, Alex Haley, Clifton Fadiman and James Sheldon.

The conference was underway when Barnaby got a phone call from Frankfurt, Germany from James Michener asking if he was still invited to speak at the conference. If so, it was going to cost the Conrads extra.

With some trepidation Barney asked, “How so?”

“It’ll cost $50 to change my airline ticket.”

Barnaby came up with the $50.


Sid Stebel and Ray Bradbury -- 1974


James Michener


An excerpt from the upcoming book by Armando Nieto, Mary Conrad, and Matt Pallamary: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  — Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 – 2003

The very first Santa Barbara Writers Conference took place in forty three years ago. To give a little perspective:

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade, gasoline cost 40 cents a gallon, Morton’s Frozen TV Dinner was 36 cents, and men’s paisley slacks went for $23.95 a pair.

In Carpinteria, California, Mary and Barnaby Conrad held the first Annual Santa Barbara Writers Conference on the grounds of Cate School with the blessings of headmaster Fred Clark.

The cost of the conference was $200, or $150 without room and board.

Held June 22nd to June 29th, the first conference featured speakers included Ray Bradbury, Clifton Fadiman, Ross MacDonald, Don Freeman, John Leggett, Budd Schulberg, and Jessica Mitford.

In total there were six workshop leaders and 37 students.

“Ray Bradbury showed up that first year with a sleeping bag,” Mary Conrad recalls. “Every night he bedded down with the male students and regaled them with stories. With Ray it was always stories, stories, and more stories.”


SBWC 1st year flyer0004






SBWC January Newsletter



The Santa Barbara Writers Conference: June 5-10, 2016

June 5-10, 2016
SwirlSBWC 2016: June 5-10, Hyatt Santa Barbara Dear Writers,Registration for the 2016 Santa Barbara Writers Conference is open!

The 44thAnnual SBWC will take place June 5-10, 2016.  Be sure to note your calendars.

Like going back to our favorite summer camp, we’ll return to the Hyatt Santa Barbara armed with our manuscripts, laptops, and fresh ideas.

Get ready to rub elbows with talented writers and workshop leaders, hear famous authors talk about their process, and feel the energy of the writing muse. And don’t forget to bring your super-sized travel mug to sip coffee into the wee hours during the pirate workshops.

This year’s evening speakers will include: Rufi Thorpe(The Girls from Corona del Mar), Gayle Lynds(The Assassins), F. Paul Wilson (Aftershock), Aline Ohanesian (Orhan's Inheritance) and Monte Schulz(Crossing Eden).   The early rate is available until March 15, and registration is limited to the first 200 students. 

Our 44th Year!


"A most stimulating time—a glorious week!" — Eudora Welty

"The best in the nation." — James A. Michener

"An important and wonderful week." — Elmore Leonard

"SBWC offers aspiring talents opportunities to have their work seen by professionals who can help them reach publication." — Los Angeles Times

our rss feed to your reader
For those of you hoping to schedule a private meeting with an editor or agent this year, Advance Submission will open for registration March 1. You must be a registered student to take part in Advance Submission. More about the program can be found here.We hope you’ll join us for our fabulous 44th year!

Write On! Grace Rachow and the SBWC Team

“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” — Ernest Hemingway

2016 Important Dates:

  • January 1­­- March 15Register for the early rate of $575
  • March 1: Advance Submission opens (sign up to meet with an agent or editor)
  • March 15: Last day for early registration price of $575
  • March 16: Regular registration begins — $650
  • May 1: Last day to sign up to meet with an editor or agent
  • May 6: Last day to take advantage of our group rate at the Hyatt Santa Barbara
  • June 5 - 10: SBWC at the Hyatt Santa Barbara!

Be sure to “like” our official Facebook page, which is the best place for conference updates. You can also join our new Facebook group for fun postings from SBWC workshop leaders and students.

News, Announcements & Happenings from SBWC Workshop Leaders, Students & Speakers

***If you would like your news to be included in the next SBWC e-Newsletter, please send in an email to with the subject line NEWSLETTER.***

Copyright © 2015 Santa Barbara Writers Conference, LLC, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: Santa Barbara Writers Conference 27 West Anapamu Street, Suite 305 Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Questions or Comments:


Many people newer to the SBWC are not aware of its rich literary tradition. How many know that Ray Bradbury kicked it off for thirty seven years?

Armando Nieto, a long standing staff member, Mary Conrad, one of the conference founders, and I have been collaborating for the last six months on: The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook  -- Words of Wisdom from Thirty Years of Literary Excellence 1973 - 2003 which is the working title.

A large part of the project is driven by the thirty years of photo albums and scrapbooks that Mary has, which are all being scanned.

At the request of Queen Grace, we will be posting tidbits each Friday to share part of the treasure trove that we have been exploring.

For this first post I am sharing a program from an earlier conference to give an idea of how many famous writers have contributed.

I'd also like to invite anyone who has ever been involved with the conference to send along any memorabilia they might have.

1990 Schedule 2Write On - Matt Pallamary

June 5-10, 2016: Santa Barbara Writers Conference!

I hope the family of SBWC writers has had a good year for writing in 2015. However it is time to ring in the new year. The Santa Barbara Writers conference is on for June 5-10 at the Santa Barbara Hyatt.

Registration for the conference will open on New Years Day 2016, and we look forward to seeing you in June.

There will be more info in coming weeks about panels, agents and other news. We will keep you posted here. Sign up for our e-news letter.

Happy New Year!

Grace Rachow

SBWC Conference Coordinator


Best Opening Contest: Thanks & Congratulations!

Dear Writers, Thank you to those of you who entered our Annual Best Opening Contest. After reviewing over 200 entries from all over the United States, we’d like to congratulate our winner and two runner-ups.

Louisa Lucie-Smith from Santa Barbara was our winner and the recipient of the full tuition scholarship to this year's conference, June 7-12. Here is her winning entry:

Chute picked up the bullwhip. One crack and the snake was dead. The children stared from the stranger to the dead rattlesnake and dropped one by one from the apple tree to inspect the remains.

We’d also like to congratulate two honorable mentions: Cat Robson and Sarah Nickerson will both be receiving partial scholarships to the 2015 conference.

 We appreciate every writer who took a chance and submitted their writing to be considered. We know that an opening line is important, but also difficult to write. Stephen King says an opening line “should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” Quite a task for any writer!

Opening night is nearly two weeks away, and we are looking forward to another fabulous year. If you haven't already registered, now is the time!

Write On! SBWC Team