Santa Barbara Writers Conference Bookstore June 9-14

SBWC will have a consignment book sales store for authors to sell their books during the conference, June 9 through June 14. Any author who lives in the greater Santa Barbara area as well, as conference attendees, are welcome to bring books for consignment sale.

Books can be signed in as early as Saturday, June 8, 4-6 PM and can be brought in throughout the conference. How many books is up to you, but most authors bring between 5 and 20 copies. It is okay to leave a smaller number and replenish during the week.

When you deliver your books to the SBWC Book Store, there will be a consignment receipt given for the books you leave for sale. When you return to replenish or pick up any unsold books, bring the receipt.

Last day to pick up unsold books is Friday June 14th at 3:30PM. Please make sure your receipt is correctly updated when you check your books in and out. If you cannot pick up your books on the 14th for some reason, let us know an alternative plan.

1) Author’s name should be on the book’s cover

2) Retail price or the price you want the book to be sold for should be on the book’s cover. If needed use a sticker with the price.

Consignment percentage is 40%. A book that is sold for $20, will net $12 to the consignee, for example.

A consignment check for your books sold will be mailed within two weeks after the conference ends. Give the USPS time for delivery.

If you would like to also sign books at the conference, we will have a signing time, Monday - Thursday of the conference, between 5 and 6 PM. Let us know if you can be there and we will set up a table for you, as space allows. Priority will be given to attendees of the conference. If all the tables are taken you can still be present and talk about your book anytime during the conference. It is great to network with one another by buying and signing fellow authors books.