Poet Laureate of Santa Barbara, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Teaches Poetry June 16-21


Working toward a publishable draft of an original poem

1:00-3:30 PM
RM 270

Each day we will start by an indepth craft class in which we will look at poems in which a specific aspect of craft is used to great effect, and we’ll discuss that in group. We will also workshop participants’ poems — on a first come, first serve basis. I will offer some useful revision tricks as well.  Bring your love for poetry, your sense of humor, one poem (12 copies) that needs help, and TLC — you’ll get it all in this workshop! 

Laure-Anne Bosselaar is the author of The Hour Between Dog and Wolf, of Small Gods of Grief, winner of the Isabella Gardner Prize for Poetry, and of A New Hunger selected as a Notable Book by the American Library Association. Sungold Editions published her chapbook Rooms Remembered.   Her latest collection These Many Rooms was published by Four Way Books in early 2019.  She is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize, and the editor of four anthologies.  She taught at Emerson College, Sarah Lawrence College, briefly at UCSB, and is a member of the core faculty at the Solstice Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program. As Santa Barbara’s new Poet Laureate, she is planning many poetry craft classes, workshops, readings and other events with the generous support of the Santa Barbara Public Library.  

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