Rick Shaw

Fount of publishing wisdom

Rick Shaw will be taking appointments during the conference week, one-on-one or in small groups to consult on a wide range of publishing options. He can help with the understanding of the various aspects of publishing in these times. Check back for his SBWC office hours.

Rick Shaw is a recently retired technologist, historian, data scientist, and now, a fulltime writer.

He first attended SBWC in 2005 at Westmont and has been a frequent attendee since.

His short stories touch time travel, alternate histories, and dystopian worlds and can be found in anthologies by Bayonet Books and the Santa Barbara Literary Journal. He plans to release his first novel, the Tunguska Deception into the KDP/Amazon world later this year, and he is in discussions to co-author a dystopian series. Come find him and he’ll name drop.

Amazon.com or rickshaw.com.